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Facebook Fast Delete Messages - Free download and ... 1 Jun 2012 ... Facebook Fast Delete Messages is a free Google Chrome extension that speeds up the process of deleting messages on Facebook.It couldn't ... Quickly delete multiple Facebook messages in Chrome - CNET 1 Jun 2012 ... Instead of visiting each message thread, check out Facebook Fast Delete Messages, a handy extension for Google Chrome. Here's how to get ... Facebook Fast Delete Messages for Chrome Simplifies ... 4 Jun 2012 ... Chrome: If you want to delete messages you receive on Facebook you have to select the message, click the Actions button, and then select ...


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How to Recover Deleted Facebook Messenger Messages on Android. We all know that Facebook Messenger is not only an excellent way to communicate with friends, family, business associates, and other people, but also a convenient way to share files, photos, videos, links, and others with specific...